The Attic

  • 5 months ago
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It is necessary to maintain attic as it prevents moisture buildup in the house. Moisture causes mold and the daily mold inhalation is harmful to the family’s health. An attic can be accessed either by an access ladder or the steps installed in a garage. 

Attic Ventilation and Storage 

Louvers and Vents are the sources of Attic ventilation that help to prevent the excessive buildup of moisture, reduces the energy usage resulting in increasing the life span of roofing material. They keep out the snow and wind-driven rain in normal conditions. Sometimes the heavy downpour and snow can enter through the openings due to the uncertain pressures. In most houses, the attic is kept as storage. If the attic is made of plywood only then it can be used as a storage. The improper utilization of attic space is the responsibility of the house owner in case of any damage produced. 

Guidelines for Caring and Maintaining the Attic 

Following are the step to be followed for maintaining the attic: 

For Maintaining Ventilation 

  • Louvers must be kept open for a year-round as louvers can be clogged by debris or ice accumulation, which leads to frequent leakage. 
  • Home vents must be clear of debris. 
  • Vents must be checked periodically to make sure they have not become loose due to high winds. 
  • Inspection of the attic once a year is a must for water stains on the underside of the roof sheathing. 

Prevent Long Term Damage to the Attic 

  • It is advised to check attic insulation for moisture and if found, call for service immediately. 
  • If there is loose-fill insulation, check if it is due to major weather events. 
  • Use a plastic rake for moving insulation from high to bald spots. 
  • Call a qualified person to inspect the attic for rot and fungus as they indicate a high-level humidity in the attic. 
  • Inspect for evidence of pests. 

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