Outdoor Window

  • 5 months ago
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Windows are the source of natural light for the house which is essential for a family to get a healthy amount of it in a day. They protect the house from elements like excessive dirt, rain in extreme weather conditions, and provides a view of the outside world. The attractive windows with their designs add beauty to the entire look of the house. Keeping them clean is an important part. It is necessary to check the frames, weather stripping and mechanisms once a year. This will ensure that the seasonal installation of screens and storm panels is done properly and with regular care, you can prevent any window-damage. It is the responsibility of the house owner to Inspect, clean, and lubricate the windows and frames annually for maintaining them to the mark. 

Guidelines for Maintaining Windows 

The following steps can help to perform good care of the windows. 

For Maintaining Exterior Windows 

  • It is essential to check the hardware of the windows. The opening and closing mechanism including the hinges, locking mechanisms, jambs, and sliders need to be checked properly. 
  • Make sure that all the screws are tight along with the remaining hardware to ensure they are operating effortlessly. 
  • Checking of the gaskets holding the grass is also important. 

Suggestions for Maintaining Weep Holes 

Weep holes channel water to the exterior of the house. Therefore, they can get clogged by dust and bugs for which regular maintenance is necessary. The following are the few steps for their care. 

  • Vacuum window tracks to keep them safe from dirt and debris monthly. 
  • Spray silicone on the track after proper cleansing. To lubricate the rollers roll the window back and forth. 
  • Avoid putting cotton balls in the window track as they can restrict the flow of the water to the exterior of the house. 

For Cleaning Glass 

If the outside of the glass is lightly soiled: 

  • Clean it with a solution of 1 cup vinegar and a gallon of water by using a lint-free cloth or sponge. 
  • Dry the glass with the help of a paper towel or a lint-free cloth. 
  • A rubber sponge is appropriate for speeding up the drying process. 

If the glass is extremely dirty: 

  • A newspaper is an ideal choice for wiping it. 
  • Use 1 tablespoon of household ammonia to 1 quart of warm water to wash it. You can also use a commercial glass cleaner containing ammonia. 


  • Condensation forming on the inside of the windows must be prevented. Well, in some cases, problems cannot be controlled by reducing the humidity level in your home. 
  • Do not use a metal scraper for cleaning the glass. This will scratch the window. 

For maintaining Window Frames 


Window frames having an aluminum mill finish do not need to be painted. If they have bronze or white finish they will never oxidize. If not, allow the normal graying process to take place or protect them from coloring. Following are some suggestions to maintain frames: 

  • Aluminum window frames need to be lubricated by a silicone lubricant. This is available in aerosol form and can be easily purchased from any home care store. 
  • Milk detergent should be used to clean aluminum frames. 
  • If you allow the normal graying process, the finish will be a uniform gray color. Oxidization will protect the window frame from the elements. 
  • If you prefer a new and bright look of the frame, Apply a coat of wax or to restore the grayed aluminum polish it with steel wool. 

Vinyl and Wood Care 

  • Use a mild and non-abrasive cleanser to wash frames. Never use an acidic cleaner. 

Maintaining Seal around the Window frame 

  • Call the manufacturer to repair the broken seal. 
  • Check fillers to maintain the seal. 

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