
  • 5 months ago
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Fireplaces are a necessity for homes especially in colder months and add beauty to them in warmer months. Taking care of them throughout the year is essential for their longevity and safe operation. Homeowners should do them twice a year. Always be sure to follow the manufacturer’s fireplace maintenance instructions. In this guide we will be discussing the maintenance of:

  • Wood Fireplaces
  • Gas Fireplaces
  • Electric Fireplaces

Guidelines for Maintaining Wood Burning Fireplaces

Wood fireplace maintenance does not require much to do and can be done twice a year to ensure it is in great condition and working effectively. Follow these basic steps for wood fireplace maintenance:

  • Inspect them twice a year and follow manufacturer instructions.
  • Make sure you clean the firebox and screens before each use.
  • Exterior fireplaces need to be cleaned before each use.

Take safety precautions as recommended by the manufacturer for managing woof fuel and starting fires. Operating the damper, doors, and other features and cleaning the fireplace.

Guidelines for Maintaining Gas and Electric Fireplaces

The maintenance of gas and electric fireplaces maintenance is much easier than wood fireplaces as it does not create a mess. The following are some steps you should take to ensure they are operating safely and effectively.

  1. Check them twice a year or often after an extended period of usage.
  2. Do not burn wood in a gas or electric fireplace.
  3. Keep away all the flammable objects.
  4. Please remove the electrical hazards.
  5. Dust them from inside and outside.
  6. Change the light bulb regularly for electrical fireplaces.
  7. If you see arcing call a licensed contractor or call a gas company if you smell gas. Avoid using a fireplace until it is repaired.

Guidelines for Lightning Fireplaces

Follow these steps to start a fire at your fireplaces.

  1. Prevent smoke at startup by closing any window near the fireplace while lightning it up. Reopen the windows when needed once the chimney starts drawing.
  2. Removal of debris from a hearth area before lighting the fire. Debris close to the fireplace can catch fire.
  3. Ensure that the chimney damper is open.
  4. Slowly start a fire to get a gradual buildup of heat and smoke.
  5. Hold a section of newspaper and light it after that put it near the flue to start chimney updraft easily. This is a helpful tip to keep the fireplace from heating too quickly and cracking the firebrick.

Never light a fire directly on the floor. Use andirons or a grate and a well-fitted fireplace screen. The best wood for burning is well-seasoned wood that is been stored and dried for about six months minimum

Guidelines for Burning Fires Safely in a Fireplace

After starting up a fire, make sure it burns safely and keeps you and your family nice and warm.

  1. After using the fireplace close the damper to keep air conditioning from escaping through the chimney.
  2. From keeping soot from accumulating, add a handful of salt occasionally.
  3. Avoid leaving fire in your fireplace unattended.
  4. Do not burn treated lumber. It will emit poisonous gases that can build up and can enter the home.
  5. Avoid insects from entering your home with the wood by storing them outside.

Checking if the Fireplace Damper Seal is in Workable Condition

It is essential to ensure that the different parts of the fireplace are working together with its maintenance. An important component to check frequently is the damper seal. To make sure it is working properly, hold a tissue near its area and check if the drafts are blowing around it. Call for a service by a professional if it is not working properly.

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