Bathroom Toilets

  • 5 months ago
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Bathroom toilets are durable fixtures made of a type of clay that is glazed for a smooth surface called Vitreous China. The surface can be scratched it they are cleaned improperly. It is important to learn the cleaning of the bowl, prevention of clogs, and repair or replace the parts of the tank for keeping the toilets clean and flushing smoothly.

Guidelines for Care and Maintenance of Bathroom Toilets

Follow these guidelines for proper maintenance of home toilets.

For Cleaning the Toilet Bowl

  • The commercial cleaner is required to clean the toilet according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Avoid mixing or using household bleach.
  • Avoid using suspended chlorine cleaning bars, chlorine tablets, or bluing pellets in the toilets as they can be the cause of early deterioration of the rubber pieces located in the toilet tanks.

For Protecting the Finish

  • Avoid using the commercial cleansers for anything except the toilet bowls.
  • Avoid using string abrasive to clean the outside of the toilet as it can scratch the finish of it.
  • The Toilet tank is not needed to be cleaned from inside as there is a high risk of damaging the interior parts.
  • Avoid pouring hot water into the toilet bowl or tank.

For Preventing Clogs

  • Special attention is required for the holes located under the bowl rim. If they are not cleaned they will be clogged and can cause the toilet to stop working resulting in a flow.
  • Avoid flushing hair, grease, lint, diapers, rubbish, facial, tissues, etc. down the toilets as they stop up the toilets and sanitary sewer lines.

For Adjusting the Water Level in the Tank

  • Locate the water level adjustment screw on top of the water control then turn the screw clockwise to lower the water level and counterclockwise to raise it. A line is marked on the back of the tank to indicate the water level.
  • Toilet tank lids are heavy so you need to be very careful while lifting them for maintenance.

Repairing is necessary if:

Toilet Does Not Flush

  • Adjustment of the float is necessary to maintain the water level in the tank so as to store enough water for flushing.
  • The rubber flapper can deteriorate over time therefore, it should be replaced. The new flapper can be purchased from any hardware store and can be installed following the instructions on the package.

Water Tank Appears To Be Leaking

  • The reason for the leaking can be due to the condensation forming on the outside of the tank and dripping off the floor.
  • If the water is leaking into the bowl, check the overflow tube while holding the float bend the rod closer to the bottom of the tank and flush. If it continues to leak, replace the washer on the inlet valve.
  • If the water is not leaking through the overflow tube it can be from the flush valve.
  • Align the rods between the flush valve and handle so that it drops straight down when the toilet is flushed.
  • It could also be caused by a warped flapper in the tank. Check the flapper to replace it.

Condensation on the Water Tank

  • It can occur on the outside of the water tank and can seem similar to a leak.

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